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673 avsnitt

YDS: How Does a Scrum Team Work with Contractors?
2021-08-06 • 8min

FYAC: Agile Coaching and Middle Management with Esther Derby
2021-08-06 • 27min

YDS: What's the Difference Between a COACH MENTOR & TEACHER?
2021-08-05 • 9min

YDS: What Does a Scrum Master Do During Backlog Refinement?
2021-08-04 • 6min

YDS: Help! My Scrum Team is in Different Time zones!
2021-08-03 • 9min

YDS: The Difference Between a Daily Standup and Daily Scrum
2021-07-30 • 6min

FYAC: Why it is So Hard to Change with Esther Derby
2021-07-29 • 20min

YDS: How Does a Stakeholder Contribute to a Scrum Team?
2021-07-29 • 7min

YDS: Scrum Master Skips Daily Scrum - Who Fixes Impediments?
2021-07-28 • 6min

FYK: What Does It Really Mean to RIGHT SIZE Workin Kanban?
2021-07-27 • 13min

YDS: How Does a PBI Relate to a Sprint Backlog Item?
2021-07-27 • 5min

YDS: Is the Scrum Team's Velocity a Sprint Review Topic?
2021-07-23 • 6min

YDS: I'm a Scrum Master But the ORG Wants a Project Manager!
2021-07-22 • 8min

YDS: Is the Scrum Master Role an Entry Level Job?
2021-07-21 • 9min

FYAC: Agile Coaching in a Remote World with Jo Perold
2021-07-20 • 26min

YDS: Help! A Scrum Developer Keeps Taking the Easy Work!
2021-07-20 • 8min

YDS: What is the Best Day to End a Sprint in Scrum?
2021-07-19 • 5min

YDS: How Does the Scrum Value RESPECT Help Scrum Teams Win?
2021-07-16 • 7min

YDS: How Does the Scrum Value COMMITMENT Help Teams Win?
2021-07-15 • 8min

YDS: How Does the Scrum Value OPENNESS Help Scrum Teams Win?
2021-07-14 • 8min

Agile Metrics: Outcomes, Output, and an Expensive Vegas Trip
2021-07-14 • 13min

YDS: How Does the Scrum Value COURAGE Help a Scrum Team Win?
2021-07-13 • 8min

YDS: How Does the Scrum Value FOCUS Help a Scrum Team Win?
2021-07-12 • 9min

FYAC: How an Agile Coach Help with Organizational Resilience
2021-07-12 • 26min

YDS: YOUR DAILY SCRUM LIVE with Ryan Ripley and Todd Miller
2021-07-09 • 1h 3min

YDS: What Are Your Best Scrum Master Interview Tips?
2021-07-07 • 10min

YDS: HELP! Our Client Keeps Changing Their Mind?!?!?
2021-07-06 • 7min

FYAC: Beyond Scrum What Does A Scrum Master Need to Know?
2021-07-05 • 24min

YDS: Can a Project Manager Become a Product Owner?
2021-07-02 • 7min

YDS: What is the BIGGEST Flaw in the Scrum Framework?
2021-07-01 • 8min

YDS: How Do We Use Scrum in a Remote World?
2021-06-30 • 10min

YDS: Which Metrics Do Todd and Ryan Use During a Sprint?
2021-06-29 • 8min

YDS: Who Does a Scrum Team Report To On the Org Chart?
2021-06-28 • 6min

FYAC - How Does Scrum Team Autonomy Work?
2021-06-28 • 20min

YDS: Who Writes User Stories on a Scrum Team?
2021-06-25 • 8min

YDS: What Does a Scrum Team Do When They Finish Early?
2021-06-25 • 6min

YDS: LIVE Episode with Todd Miller and Ryan Ripley
2021-06-23 • 1h 1min

YDS: What Does it Mean to Be Bad Scrum Master?
2021-06-22 • 9min

YDS: How Does a Product Owner Create a Roadmap in Scrum?
2021-06-21 • 8min

FYAC - Does Scrum Work in a Start-up?
2021-06-21 • 16min

YDS: How Does a PO Assess the Value of a Product Backlog Item?
2021-06-18 • 7min

YDS: What Happens When the Scrum Team Hates My (SM) Idea?
2021-06-17 • 8min

YDS: What are the Characteristics of a High Performing Scrum Team?
2021-06-11 • 8min

YDS: Why Would a Product Owner Cancel a Sprint?
2021-06-10 • 7min

YDS: Does the Definition of Done Reflect the Maturity of the Scrum Team?
2021-06-09 • 6min

YDS: How Did You Come Up with the Name AGILE FOR HUMANS?
2021-06-08 • 7min

YDS: What's the Difference Between a Product Owner and Product Manager?
2021-06-07 • 8min

YDS: Does Perfect Scrum Ever Really Happen?
2021-06-04 • 7min

YDS: What's Important When Interviewing a Scrum Master?
2021-06-03 • 12min

YDS: What Does a Scrum Team Need to Get Started with Scrum?
2021-06-02 • 7min