Eppy 77: December, Here We Come!

Eppy 77: December, Here We Come!


Om avsnittet

“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” for the OKBoomers!It’s also a dark and chilly time with a chance of snow. We are warming our hearts by our fireplaces, bedecked with festive lights and decorations. Then there’s Pat the Producer at SpeakUpTalkRadio.com. She prefers to bask in her outside hammock. (And she also lives in a snow globe!) Jean had quite the week. She changed her Wordle starting word! And she had a special time with her OH at the eye doctor. Woo hoo, right?Laura saved the show as she had many fascinating things to share: Tapping, Wrinkle Treatment, and Mouth Taping. And even more exciting, Laura is making a list of activities & hobbies she wants to get back to doing. And there’s more! What makes you love a certain part of a song so much? Laura is compiling the cool parts of songs. You know- it’s that section of a song that keeps you in your car because you have to continue listening, even though you are at your destination? Great idea, Laura! She shares her song choices. Ad there’s more goodies for you under our podcast tree. We wish you the happiest of holidays! May all your packages be delivered on time and to the correct porch. Special shout out to website designer and supportive coach, Pauline Wiles at PaulineWiles.comWe’d love to hear from you on Twitter and Instagram-@OK_BoomerPodFind out more at OKBoomerPod.com, or any podcast app and YouTube. Check out SpeakUpTalkRadio.com – the perfect site for authors and podcasters!



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