Building IoT Devices with Suz Hinton

Building IoT Devices with Suz Hinton


Om avsnittet

So what IoT device have you built? Carl and Richard talk to Suz Hinton about her experiences building IoT devices. Suz starts out talking about Meow Shoes, a pair of shoes she added sensors and an Arduino too - and used cat meows to test with. All sorts of hilarity ensues, but there are a number of interesting applications can be made from capturing someone's movements, even through their feet. The conversation turns to the dev stack - all Javascript, front and back! There are all sorts of libraries and tools now for anyone to build low cost IoT devices. Suz also talks about her fascination with 3D printers and their relationship to IoT and the maker movement in general. It's becoming a Makers world!Support this podcast at —



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