Benjamin Portheault

Benjamin Portheault


Om avsnittet

Happy 2022, everyone! I'm joined this week by Benjamin Portheault (@BenjiPortheault), a performance coach for mental athletes who has worked with chess players across a wide range of ratings -- from tournament players to someone (anonymous) who was trying to qualify for the Candidates. This was a lovely discussion that covered a bunch of topics, from the 2021 World Championship to sleep deprivation (!!!!). I'm grateful to Benji for coming on the show and hope to have him again! I've opened a YouTube channel called 64: A Chess Channel -- click the link and subscribe! I have some amazing content coming out there this year, and will start putting my podcasts on there later this month. You can also follow me on Twitter and Twitch :-) thanks again for listening to this week's episode of 64!If you like what you've heard this week and want to support my podcast financially, you can subscribe to my Patreon for as little as $1 a month!Thanks as always to Aimchess for sponsoring the podcast -- use code "DAVID30" to get 30% off of your first month with Aimchess!---ChessBase article about Isabelle ChokoLadies' Knight episode with Isabelle Choko (shoutout to WGM Jennifer Shahade!)Ivanchuk-Jobava 1-0 (2010)Morozevich-MVL 0-1 (2009)



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